Update on Writing – Jan 2024

This blog has been quiet of late, so I’m looking at what I’m doing on the writing side. I’ve also been inspired by a getting things done article, that stated a good option is to focus on only one or two things daily as your main tasks, so I’m seeing if I can adopt that in my writing.

So the tasks are as follows;

  • This blog post on minimum tasks
  • Work on one novel only in Scrivener, using all it’s features to help getting into a workflow
  • Journal 500 words a day
  • Review existing blog posts

OK, there’s four items here, but one is already done (this), and one shouldn’t take too long (review posts) as there are a number of naff posts I can get rid of.

So the one novel focus and the journaling are the two tasks I will be focussing on.

These are my creation tasks. There are other task like reading about writing and the Writing Magazine, but those are development tasks and not considered so important as actually creating stuff.

Let’s see how this goes.